Monday, October 24, 2016


The idea that people are more concerned with what other people are doing with their bodies than what is going into their own is mind boggling. If people were educated about food in America I think most of them would be dumb-founded. I think America has issues when in come to federal regulation regarding food, and the deep dark connection those regulations have too money.

While the rest of the world has very strict regulations, America cannot say the same. We allow chemicals, yes, I said chemicals into our food that the rest of the world could not even fathom the connection they have too food. While there are dozens of additives that, in a perfect world, you would scratch from your diet, here are the 13 worst of the worst that you should try to avoid:
Image result for fda food compared to other countries
Sodium Nitrate. Sodium Nitrate and Nitrate itself are two additives that producers add to meat products to keep them edible for longer periods of time. These two terrible additives are put in hot dogs, lunch meat, sausage, and bacon. They are meant to control the growth of mold and bacteria. They also, not surprisingly, make the meat look pink and healthy. Instead of actually being healthy though, nitrates are also a carcinogen and are extremely dangerous. While the FDA admits they are dangerous, this isn’t widely publicized because they keep meat safe for longer periods of time. Nitrates have disturbing side effects like nausea, headaches, and dizziness.

BVO. BVO, or brominated vegetable oil, is another additive that you should steer clear of. It is meant to keep the oils in our soft drinks suspended. Bromate is actually poison, and even a small consumption of this poison could cause sickness, especially in children. It can deplete your immunity, cause allergic reactions, cause organ failure, birth defects, and more. While the FDA, again, knows that there is an issue with BVO and has it on their radar, it has not required companies to take products made with BVO off the market and it is still being used legally. What is most terrifying is that most people don’t even know it exists due to the fact that there is no publicity and the beverage manufacturers like to suppress this information. It doesn’t even need to be listed on the labels of the foods and beverages that it is in!

Why are such things allowed? How can the Food and Drug Administration allow such scary fillers and chemicals in our food. Do people even truly know if these chemicals effect ones body positively or negatively. I guess what it comes down to is the American population needs to educate themselves on what they think should and shouldn't be allowed in their bodies.

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