Tuesday, October 11, 2016


I've heard one too many conversations regarding education. We should teach like this or implement that. There should be more money for this program or that program. Blah blah blah...at this point, these teaching theories are like  cell phones everyone has one but nobody truly knows the right way to use them (because there isn't just one right way). Same goes for education. Until you know the true depths of every single style and way people learn there will never be a piece de resistance, nor should there be. As humans evolve and technology advances so does the styles, understandings and ways of learning.  

Education shouldn't be regulated with set standards and structure, it should evolve, advance, and change when it no longer becomes relevant or "top of the line" so to speak. Nobody watches television on a box T.V.. Why would they? The same should work in regards to how we should teach and learn. If there comes a time when the current styles of learning are no longer the best or "latest and greatest" why must they continue to be implemented?

Why is education even regulated on such a large scale? It doesn't even make sense. Fathom this: a couple dozen people created a curriculum implemented for an entire nation, yeah I said an entire nation. How could one curriculum work for millions and millions of different thinkers, learners and backgrounds. It can't!

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